Adaptation & Resilience


Coastal adaptation focuses on managing change, to minimise negative consequences but also has the potential to provide new opportunities. Managing the impacts of climate change, such as reducing risks from more frequent flooding and erosion can be defined as adaptation; where we are adapting to a changing environment.

Many of the suggested adaptation options for those who own or manage assets at risk need to be seen as part of a package of potential ways forward, rather than individual solutions. There is unlikely to be one solution that is satisfactory to all, or suitable in all locations. A flexible approach is required so different needs can be recognised and taken into consideration. 

Shoreline Management Plans (SMPs) aim to identify long-term intent of management policies for how we can manage the coast. It is not economically viable, socially desirable or environmentally sustainable to ‘Hold the Line’ everywhere along our soft and erodible coast. Therefore, other alternative options, including taking an adaptive approach, need to be considered. It may be more economically viable and sustainable in the long term to consider these adaptation options now as anticipatory adaptation measures. Adaptation should be valued and resourced as effectively as protecting the coast.

In June 2009 Defra funded 15 Coastal Change Pathfinder projects to help communities adapt to a changing coastline. Defra has subsequently undertaken two reviews on the learning: Coastal Change Pathfinder Review.

Attracting funding for coastal adaptation can be challenging. By their very nature, a project that does not have favourable cost benefit for a traditional defence scheme is unlikely to fit the funding model for an adaptation scheme. Recently, Coastal Partnership East, through the Local Government Association Coastal Special Interest Group, the Environment Agency and Defra have been working on a project to help support adaptation and solve problems with delivery where possible. Defra recognise that local authorities must be equipped with a policy, a legal mandate, and an understanding of possible funding options to enable them to engage with their communities about adapting to coastal change.

Resilient Coasts

In 2022, Coastal Partnership East on behalf of East Suffolk Council and Great Yarmouth Borough Council were successful in attracting £9.1million from DEFRA for the Resilient Coasts project. The project takes a proactive approach to co-creating resilient, coastal places.

The project aims to provide innovative solutions to problems such as funding, infrastructure risk mapping, community engagement and policy.

Read the latest project newsletter here.

For information, project updates, and details of how to get involved, please visit the website here.


Coastwise is a North Norfolk initiative to transition and prepare coastal communities where the coast is eroding.

Coastwise is a nationally funded scheme, through the Coastal Transition Acceleration Programme, funded by Defra and the Environment Agency.

For more information about the project, please visit the website here.

East Suffolk Council
North Norfolk District Council
Great Yarmouth Borough Council

Adaptation & Resilience | Coastal Partnership East